Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Vitamin E Protects Lungs From Damage

A new study in women over the age of 45 has shown that long-term, regular use of vitamin E can lower the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by about 10 percent in both smokers and non-smokers.
“The findings from our study suggest that increasing vitamin E prevents COPD,” said Ms. Agler. “Previous research found that higher intake of vitamin E was associated with a lower risk of COPD, but the studies were not designed to answer the question of whether increasing vitamin E intake would prevent COPD. Using a large, randomized controlled trial to answer this question provided stronger evidence than previous studies.”
Yes, it is studies like this that make the vitamin-hating, Big Pharma-sponsored public health goons heads spin. COPD is the 4th leading cause of death in America and costs the health care system well over 40 billion dollars per year. While they are busy telling everyone there is nothing you can do about it besides take your symptom-alleviating drugs, this new study shows that the vitamin the American Heart Association loves to hate may help this problem immensely. Of course, vitamin E also helps heart health but the AHA doesn’t want you to believe that, as its bad for drug sales.
COPD is the term given to progressive lung deterioration. It is a general term reflecting both lung inflammation and lung damage. It is more common in smokers, but it is now common due to excessive pollution in any major metropolitan area. It flares up when there is a respiratory infection. Chronic mucous is a typical symptom, which is produced by inflammation within the lungs reflective of some type of respiratory distress.
The weakening of lung function is a significant health issue because it is harder for a person to get oxygen into their body – in turn stressing cardiovascular function and overall cellular health. The fact that the medical establishment has been able to plop a name on a set of symptoms and issues is of little value to anyone and is a further treatment to the failure of Western medicine to truly improve the human condition.
Until Americans get over their fixation on drugs to fix their symptoms there is very little that can be done to control health care costs. Of course, individuals actually learning something about their health is a first step in the right direction. Soon thereafter, an understanding of the value of natural remedies to fix and prevent health problems begins to become apparent and self-evident (as various remedies are tried).
Vitamin E is one of the most important nutrients for human health during aging. Tocotrienols are far and away the most active form of vitamin E.

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