Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Which Vitamin A For The Skin? – How To Find The Safest Products And Get Great Results

Up to recently, everybody thought that Vitamin A for the skin was great. The FDA does not agree as they have recently cast their critical eye over one form of Vitamin A which is called retinyl palmitate and which is used in lots of sunscreens. Actually this form of the Vitamin seems to speed up tumors and lesions on the skin. We know that this is a problem because half of the sunscreens out there are using this form of the vitamin. So, watch out for this on the labels the next time you buy a sunscreen.
The whole question of adding a sunscreen element into skincare products is a vexed one. There are those who say that some SPF factor is essential in spite of the fact that most of us never see sunlight for about six months of the year and spend 90% of our time indoors!
The people who are against sunscreen elements in these products agree rightly that proper clothing protection is best and that the sun can be avoided at peak times. We all need some sunlight to convert the vital Vitamin D on our bodies so these people are in favour of a certain amount of sun exposure.
But did you know that some companies actually use natural sunscreen ingredients which are totally organic and are absolutely safe? Let me give you one example. There is a substance which is extracted from Japanese seaweed known as wakame. This is a powerful antioxidant and it has remarkable properties in being able to deplete the hyaluronidase enzyme which harms our hyaluronic acid. That is incredible in itself and the patented form of this is called phytessence wakame.
But the good news is that phytessence wakame has another remarkable ingredient called sulfated polyfucose which is great for protecting the skin from the sunshine UV rays. It also is a useful barrier against the pollution in the atmosphere. Using this type of product foregoes the need to worry about vitamin A for the skin.
The above points illustrate why we should be using skincare products which do not contain harmful parabens, fragrances and mineral oils, just to name a few. They should also be totally compatible with our skin. There are ingredients which are at the cutting edge such as functional keratin and a nano emulsion form of COQ10. This one contains a vital enzyme essential for the skin cell renewal process.
If you are worried about the right type of Vitamin A for the skin, why not glance at my website where you will find safe, natural products produced a company whose safety record is second to none. Isn’t it time you got great results from safer products?

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