Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

Insomnia Vitamin – Get a Good Night’s Rest

Many people suffer from some sleeping disorder or another. Insomnia is any sleeping disorder that causes you to stay awake. There are many western treatments for this, but there are also more natural treatments. There is an array of vitamins you can take to combat this sleep disorder so that you can finally get some rest, without the aid of heavy medication.
Many people with sleep disorders are shown, after tests, to be deficient in B vitamins. Therefore, increasing your intake of these may be your first line of defense. Most people do not get enough vitamin B in their day-to-day food intake, and this can be a reason for the insomnia. 50mg of vitamin B6 can help with the problem. B6 is shown to help with the production of seratonin and other neurotransmitters that work to promote sleep.
B5, also called niacin, helps with stress and anxiety which are two primary causes for insomnia. Even if you’re not aware that you’re stressed out, you may be. Think about your life lately. Have things been a little more difficult? Taking this will help reduce these things which can have the effect of making your body more prepared for rest. A B12 deficiency can result in many things that affect sleep. A deficiency can result in memory loss and restlessness. These things do not make for a restful night. They cause worry and stress.
A good thing to consider is a B-Complex vitamin. These complex vitamins have doses of each of the B vitamins and can help you to get more rest.
There are synthetic forms of melatonin, which is a hormone naturally produced by the body, that can help as well. This seems to be best for people whose insomnia is from some sort of pain rather than just a disorder. This supplement should be taken in the recommended dosage in the evening to help prepare your body for a restful night. Magnesium has also been found to have some benefits in this area. It relaxes nervousness and restlessness while giving your body a dose of a needed vitamin.
Folic acid is one other component of getting to bed. This supplement helps with the digestion of food and restlessness in the limbs. Taking a supplement will help calm your digestive problems and your restlessness.
All of these vitamins help with the problem. However, you should also take a look at your diet. Diets high in caffeine and greasy foods inhibit sleep, as they make your system go haywire. Consider cutting down on those things in addition to taking these supplements. Ask your doctor before starting anything above any recommended doses, as that can cause you problems. If insomnia is your problem and you don’t like taking many different medications that just knock you out, then consider these supplements that can help your body naturally fall asleep.

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